Extranet: Logs

Extranet: Logs


All logs are available in the extranet. You may need to check logs to confirm updates received or pushed to channel(s). Or you may need logs to help you troubleshoot issues.

Via the Rates & Availability module, you can view / download PMS and Channel logs for all days in the calendar. The logs in this module is based on updates received and pushed for a specific date.

In the logs module, there are 4 types of logs available – PMS logs, OTA Logs, Error Logs and Activity Logs.

To access:

Login to property listing > Homepage Top right > ‘Configuration” > Logs

PMS Logs:

  • All requests are tracked with a ticket ID
  • Search based on date request was sent (received) from PMS. Timestamp is based on UTC time zone
  • API available to retrieve logs

Click on the ‘view’ icon to view the log / payload

Click on the ‘download’ icon download the log / payload received

OTA Logs:

  • All updates are tracked with a ticket ID
  • Search OTA updates for a specific room type/ rate plan, specific date
  • Result returned will be the full history of updates pushed to the channel for that room type/ rate plan/ date

  1. Click on ‘Channel Update ID’ to view the log of xml pushed to channel

  1. Within the log, if channel returns a RUID, this will also be found in log

Error Logs:

  • A record of any failed updates to OTA
  • Log of error response from OTA is available and found in the channel update ID. This is to assist with identifying / fixing issue
  • An alert in the form of an email is also generated to partner
  • Resync function is available. Once update is pushed to channel successfully, the error will be cleared from the list
  • API available to retrieve list of failed updates to OTA(s)
  • API available to resync failed updates

 Possible causes for failed updates:

 Action required:

 Channel downtime or an outage

 Resync updates

 Change in setup in channel extranet

 Check mapping and update

 No longer listing with channel

 Remove mapping and disable channel connection

 Rate updates does not meet minimum or maximum set up in channel extranet

 Contact channel product manager for assistance

 Contractual requirement with channel - ie minimum room contract

 Contact channel product manager for assistance

Activity Logs:

In this log module, you can find a record of all the activities that were carried out in the following modules: Property, Room, Rate Plan, Channel Password, My Booking Site


  • A record of when the property was created. Timestamp is in UTC time zone
  • User ID who created the property
  • Method of how the property was created (API or via extranet) and the IP address of creator
  • Property status


  • A record of when a room type was created/ updated. Timestamp is in UTC time zone
  • User ID who created / update the room type set up
  • Method of how the room type was created / updated (API or via extranet) and the IP address of creator
  • Room type status
  • Click on the ‘Eye’ icon to view the history of changes made to the set up.

  1. To view the payload, click on the ‘Eye’ icon

Rate Plan

  • A record of when a rate plan was created/ updated. Timestamp is in UTC time zone
  • User ID who created / updated the rate plan set up
  • Method of how the rate plan was created / updated (API or via extranet) and the IP address of creator
  • Rate plan status
  • Click on the ‘Eye’ icon to view the history of changes made to the set up

  1. To view the payload, click on the ‘Eye’ icon

Channel Password

  • A record of when a channel was connected or disabled
  • Method of how the channel was connected / updated (API or via extranet) and the IP address of user
  • Connection status
  • Option to check history of channel password activities or rate plan mapping activities

  1. History/ log of changes made to channel password set up – create, modify or remove

Rate Plan Mapping

  • History/ log of changes made to rate plan mapping – create, modify or remove
  • Record of PMS room / rate ID mapped to channel room / rate ID

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