Extranet: Bookings

Extranet: Bookings


How To Access ‘Bookings’ Module For A Property?

  • Quick Access from main property list page

  1. Bookings module within a property listing

All bookings received by channel manager are delivered to PMS and an email booking notification is sent to the property. The email sender is the PMS partner’s registered email address. 

It is also possible to see an overview of all bookings received via the ‘Bookings’ module in extranet. In this module, you can also view the full details of a booking, retrieve credit card details for a booking (if available), channel booking xml, PMS booking log and more.

For each booking, on the extreme right, you may see 4 types of action icon

Hover over the ‘I’ icon to see the booking history. It will also indicate whether the booking was delivered (posted) to PMS

There are two booking delivery methods available, PULL and PUSH method. PMS partner decides and confirms the preferred and adopted method at time of development.

PULL Method

When a booking(s) is received, it goes into a queue. The PMS is expected to request for booking(s) regularly. Upon receiving a request, the channel manager will send up to 10 bookings for each request. An acknowledgement is expected from PMS to clear the bookings from the queue. If bookings are not retrieved in 60 minutes, the system will auto acknowledge, consider the bookings as posted and remove from the queue. An email with a list of bookings is triggered to the partner and property. If either partner or property requires the booking to be resent, the ‘repost’ function can be used. Please note the repost function is only visible for bookings where the stay dates are still current. This also applies to cancelled bookings.

Within a booking, you can find PMS Log and Confirmation Log.


  • PMS log > The log for the booking delivered to PMS including timestamp
  • Confirmation log > This log is only available if acknowledgement is received from PMS. The log also confirms booking was delivered and received by PMS

Repost function is also available within a booking.

PUSH Method

When a booking is received, the channel manager will push the booking immediately to the PMS. An acknowledgement is expected as a response from the PMS. If acknowledgement is not received, the channel manager will continue to push the booking every minute for 60 minutes. After 60 minutes, the system will auto acknowledge, consider the bookings as posted and remove from the queue. An email with a list of bookings is triggered to the partner and property. If either partner or property requires the booking to be resent, the ‘repost’ function can be used. Please note, the repost function is only visible for bookings where the stay dates are still current. This also applies to cancelled bookings.

Within a booking, you can find PMS log.

  • PMS log is only available if the booking was successfully delivered
  • The PMS log includes the response received from PMS confirming booking received

Click on the ‘eye’ icon to view the full details of booking. Access key is required. Every user has their own unique access key.

Within the booking, you can view full booking details, OTA xml log, PMS booking log, retrieve credit card details (if received in booking). For PCI compliant PMS partners, credit card and CVV number is sent in booking xml. Credit card information is available in extranet up to 48 hours post check-out.

To obtain CVV number, please contact designated support team. Similarly, CVV number is available up to 48 hours post check-out.

What Is ‘Future Bookings’?

A few channels offer an API to allow channel manager to pull in future bookings at time of connection. Future bookings are pulled in to allow proper management of modification and cancellation for bookings made prior to property’s connection with channel manager.

When future bookings are pulled into channel manager, no inventory is deducted and by default these bookings are not delivered to PMS. If PMS requires future bookings to be delivered, this can be arranged.

Generally, these bookings received from channel will have limited information. The property should already have all details when they received the original booking.

A ‘future booking’ is identified with ‘f’ icon. This is on the booking details page.


What Are The Logs Available Within A Booking In Extranet?

  • PMS Log and PMS Confirmation Log for partners who supports PULL Method
  • PMS Log for partners who supports PUSH Method
  • OTA Bookingxml > As received from channel partner

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