Feature: Inventory Control

Feature: Inventory Control

Inventory Control

In a typical scenario, a PMS uses the "Rate and Availability" API to set inventory, rates and restrictions for a property. The updates are pushed to Su and data received are communicated with connected channels for the property. These updates are commonly known as ‘Day Level’ updates. ‘Day Level’ updates are common for all distribution channels. This approach ensures uniformity and consistency across all distribution channels.

While day-level updates are common and ensure consistency across channels, there are cases where a property may want to offer different availability, rates, and close out restriction on specific channels. In such scenarios, the "Inventory Control" API comes into play.

The "Inventory Control" API allows a Property Management System (PMS) to have more granular control over inventory, rates, and close out restriction for each individual channel. This means that the property can tailor its offerings to different channels based on their specific requirements or target markets.

This feature is only available via API. Please contact the Su support team for further details.

Inventory Control Features

The Inventory Control API offers the flexibility to manage both Inventory and Room Rates across different Channels and Dates.
  1. Inventory Control : Utilizing this option, you can modify the inventory count for any specific channel(s), for specific dates, independent of the data pushed via he "Rates and Availability" API.
  2. Close Restriction: Utilizing this option, you can stop sell specific room/ rate, date(s), channel(s).
  3. Rates Control : Utilizing this option, you can adjust the room rates for a property on any channel(s), for specific dates.
  • Decrease - Allows you to reduce the room rate by a specific amount. Rates are calculated from the base 'Day Level' rates which are received via the "Rates and Availability" API.
  • Increase - Allows you to increase the room rate by a specific amount. Rates are calculated from the base 'Day Level' rates which are received via the "Rates and Availability" API.
  • Multiply - Allows you to apply a multiplier to control room rate. Rates are calculated from the base 'Day Level' rates which are received via the "Rates and Availability" API.

Let's take an example:

You want to set specific availability and rates for three channels, Go-MMT, Expedia and Booking.com.

You can update all 3 channels in a single request. The API allows the property management system (PMS) to apply updates collectively to the three platform. It is however essential to consider the impact of subsequent updates.

When changes are made subsequently, the new updates will overwrite the previous updates. This means that any new data sent through the API request will replace the existing data. As a result, the most recent updates will take precedence, and any previous changes will be discarded.

Here is how it works in more detail:

1.       Initial Update: The PMS sends an API request to update rates and availability for multiple channels. Let's say this initial update includes changes to rates and availability for the next two weeks.

2.       Subsequent Update: A few days later, the PMS sends another API request with updated rates and availability for the next month. This new update will overwrite the rates and availability previously set for the next two weeks.

3.       Overwriting of Data: Once the subsequent update is processed, the rates and availability set in the initial update are no longer in effect. Su will now have the latest information from the most recent API request.

Due to the overwriting behavior, it is essential to be cautious and accurate when making updates through the API.

How It Looks On The Extranet When Inventory Control Feature Is In Use

When Inventory Control feature is in use, you can easily identify as the fields will be highlighted in green.

1. Room ID T1 > Hover over to view data > Inventory=3 from 24-07-2023 to 27-08-2023 for AgodaYCS.

2. Room ID T2 > Hover over to view data > Rate Decrease=50 from 22-07-2023 to 23-08-2023 for Trip.com and AgodaYCS.

3. Room ID-T2 > Hover over to view data > Rate Increase=211 from 24-07-2023 to 25-08-2023 for Trip.com and AgodaYCS.

4. Room ID T2 > Hover over to view data > Rate Multiply=1.50 and Stop Sell=Y from 26-07-2023 to 28-08-2023 for Trip.com and AgodaYCS.

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