Features via Extranet

Airbnb - Features Available via Extranet

Channel: Airbnb

Features available via Su extranet:

1. Cancellation Feature
2. Host notification
3. Trip Issues

1. Cancellation Feature

  1. Property can cancel a booking via Su extranet.

2. Host notification

  1. Notifications from Airbnb to host can be viewed via Su extranet.
  2. The notifications are usually an indication that some verification is required for a listing belonging to the host. It is possible the listing may not be mapped in Su. The notification  will include a link for host to redirect to Airbnb to view issue and  fix.
Examples on notification type:

To view via Su extranet:

3. Trip Issues

  1. Airbnb collates negative reviews received from the customers and shares with the host so that they can improve / correct their listing or offering.
  2. This feature is at listing level as issues are reported based on booking.
  3. There is a badge count to indicate number of notifications/ issues

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