Feature: Close-Out

Feature: Close-Out

Close-Out Feature

This feature/ tool allows a property to control the notice required to receive a booking. Based on settings, it establishes when to close out availability to restrict bookings.

There are 2 options available

  1. Based on current date/ time
  2. Based on number of days
Current date/ time:

If you want to allow same-day bookings until 18:00, your setting will be for 0 days at 18:00. The system will automatically trigger a stop sell for current date at 6pm local time to booking engine (If subscribing) and all connected channels. This will prevent same day bookings arriving after 6pm.

Number of days:

If you want guests to book with at least 2 days' notice, your setting will be based on number of days which is 2. The system will automatically trigger stop sells based on property's local time to ensure the first 2 days from current date is always on stop sell.

For flexibility, this feature is available at property level and at rate plan level.

This feature is currently supported via the Su extranet only.

Close-Out At The Property Level

Close-out at the property level is useful when you want to have the same condition applied for the whole property, meaning all room types.

Configure via property profile module:

  1. Go to 'Property Profile'

  1. In the property profile page, you will see the 'Close-Out' feature > Close-Out Days and Close-Out Time

Close-Out Days: Select the number of days you wish to stop sell for.

Close-Out Time: This field will only display if you have selected 0 days which means same-day booking. Select the time you wish the stop sell to apply from.


  1. Same-day close-out: Close-out Days=0. When 0 day is selected, the time option will display for you to set a specific time. Time is based on property's local timezone. Please check and ensure the timezone setup in profile is correct.
  2. Based on day(s): Close-out Days=1/2/3/4 etc. This means the property is not available for bookings from 00:00 hrs current date for the next number of days as setup. Example, if the 'Close-out' days=2, the property will not have availability for the next 2 days from current day.

Note: If the PMS sends an ARI request to set the Stop Sell="No", and 'Close-Out' day setting is in place, then this setting takes priority and will apply. The ARI pushed will be ignored.

Close-Out At Rate Plan Level

You can also use this feature at rate plan level. This means, the property may have a rate that requires advance notice (Example: Theater tickets included and needs notice for booking, advance purchase).

Configure via rate plan module:

  1. Click on the' User' button on the top right > 'Rate Plan'

  1. Click on 'Edit' for the rate plan you want to update > setup close-out requirements
  2. **The setup procedure is the same as described for property level setup

Note: If close-out is set at property level as well, please note the close-out set in Rate Plan will take priority. The setting at property level will be ignored for this rate plan.
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