Feature: Combo Room

Feature: Combo Room

It is possible that a property may have set up all their rooms individually in their property management system (PMS). Usually the set up in channel manager must match the setup in PMS to allow proper mapping.

Example: The property has 3 x standard rooms and in their PMS, they have set up as:
Standard Room 1
Standard Room 2
Standard Room 3

Some booking channel may not allow a property to set up the same room type multiple times as individual listings. Instead, they require the property to create one room type and then combine the inventory for that room type to sell it on their platform. This approach is often referred to as 'pool inventory' or 'shared inventory'.

If the property has set up their rooms individually, there will be a conflict in set up between the PMS/ Su and the booking channel that requires 'pool inventory'. The 'Combo Room' feature can be used to manage this scenario. This feature allows the property to create a combo room type which combines multiple instances of the same room type into one aggregated listing with shared inventory.

The "Combo Room' feature is only available via Su extranet.

Combo Room concept:

  1. Cluster of 2 or more rooms to create a combo room
  2. You can only combine room types that are exactly the same
  3. Validation in place for same maximum occupancy and room type
  4. There is always a parent room type, the rest are all virtual room types
  5. You cannot update a COMBO room
  6. Combo inventory is the SUM of all the rooms linked to the COMBO room type
  7. Rate/ restrictions is derived from the parent room type
  8. Content/ Rate Plan is always based on the parent room

Combo room type setup:

  1. Select combo option (In room / listing type setup module)
  2. Create Combo room details
  3. Assign parent room type
  4. Select all child rooms to make up the combo room type
  5. Inventory for the combo room will be the SUM ‘combined’ inventory for the cluster
  6. Rate for combo room is derived from the parent room
  7. Restrictions will be based on the parent room
  8. Combo room is non-manageable. Inventory is calculated by system and applied
Where to set up?

Room type/ Listing set up > ‘+’ > Combo Room

Add Combo Room ID

Add Combo Room Name

       Select Room Type using drop down box. All the rooms linked to combo room should have the similar room type. The system will only display those rooms that are  with the same room type.

         Select ‘Parent Room’ using the drop-down box. Rate and restrictions for combo room will be based on the nominated parent room.

.       Select all child rooms to be part of cluster/ combo room and save changes

‘Room/ Listing’ type details page

1.       Combo room type listed

2. Quantity count is the sum of 'Quantity' for parent and child room
3. Hover over tool tip to see the setup of the combo room

‘Rates and Availability’ details page

  1. Combo room type listed as per normal
  2. Non-manageable
  3. Inventory count is the SUM ‘combined’ inventory for the cluster
  4. Rate and restriction is based on parent room

Bookings : When Booking comes from Channel (for a Channel Room Type mapped with the Combo Room Type of Su),
  1. The system will allocate the Booking initially to a Parent Room Type. When there is no Inventory for Parent Room Type - the Booking will be allocated to a Child Room Type, and this cycle continues (based on the Parent and Child Room Types assigned in the Combo Rom Type setup). Accordingly, the Room Type ID and Rate Type ID will be provided in the Booking JSON/XML when sending Bookings to the PMS partner. 
  2. There is another option as well - assign Bookings to the Parent Room Type always. For this, write to us & our technical team will apply the necessary changes to make it work. (Please note: This setup will be at the PMS level, and not at the Property level)
  3. When the Inventory is updated for Parent and/or Child Room Type - the system auto-calculates and updates the Inventory for the Combo Room Type. 

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