Channel Extranet:


In numbers:

  • 28M+ Listings in 226 countries and territories across the globe

  • 6.2M+ Homes, apartments, and other unique places to stay

  • 43+ Languages and dialects available

Benefits of working with
  • List any type of property : Apartments to villas and everything in between can be listed for free..

  • Easily import details : To save your time, many of the details from your existing listings can be imported.

  • Step-by-step guidance : You’ll learn how our platform works, best practices, and things to watch out for.

  • Unique discounts : Discounts on products and services that save time and improve guests' experience.

  • More flexibility at no extra cost : With the Smart Flex Reservations programe, your guests can enjoy the flexibility of free cancellation policies. In case they cancel, we will look for a replacement

  • Review score : Your review score on third party travel websites may be converted and then reflected on your listing page.

Your peace of mind is’s top priority

Here’s how is helping you feel confident welcoming guests:

  • Set house rules guest must agree to before they stay

  • Request damage deposits for extra security

  • Report guest misconduct if something goes wrong

  • Access 24/7 support in 43+ languages

  • Protection against liability claims from guests and neighbours up to £1,000,000 for every reservation

In 2022, ranked among the top 10 most used hotel booking channel for Su properties. Read more

Su is a 'Premier Connectivity Partner' with

Process To Connect With

An Existing Customer On (Changing connectivity provider):

You can change to a new Connectivity provider without having to take your property offline. Instead of deactivating your old connection straight away, you’ll stay connected until the switch to a new Connectivity provider is complete. That way you won’t miss out on any potential bookings because of the switch.

To change your Connectivity provider, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the extranet

  2. Click on Account and then click on Connectivity provider

  3. Click on Switch providers (make sure you don’t deactivate your old connection)

  4. Search for and select OTASwitch and set up an agreement with them

Once you accept the agreement, your new Connectivity provider will receive an email containing your details and connection request. Once they receive this, they’ll start to perform the necessary mapping and configuration steps. You’ll stay connected to your old Connectivity provider until the switching process is complete.

The connection to your new Connectivity provider will be automatically completed once they’ve confirmed everything is ready. You’ll receive a notification in your extranet inbox once this happens and the connection status will confirm that you have an active connection.

Once the channel manager provider is set, you can proceed to complete channel mapping and start managing via Su channel manager.

Don’t forget to check that your Rates & Availability are up to date in the extranet once you switch to your new Connectivity provider.

A New Customer: content API is available via Su. This API allows you to create and modify properties on Connect your software to content API to enable your users to register their property and modify their content directly in your interface without using the extranet. Please contact Su support team for more information.

Alternatively, the property can register directly with The steps are below:

Before you can register a property on platform, you need to create a partner account. Follow these steps to do so: 

  1. Visit the sign-up page and click on Get started

  2. Enter your email address and click on Continue

  3. Enter your first name, last name and phone number and then click on Next

  4. Enter your password, enter it again to confirm and then click on Create account

Once you’ve created a partner account, you can register your property by following these steps: 

  1. Visit the sign-up page, then click Sign in 

  2. Click on your account, then select Add new property 

  3. Select your property type, then click on List your property

  4. Follow the steps to set up your property listing details 

  5. Click Save

You can pause the registration process at any time. To continue, go to the home page and click Continue.

Once you’ve completed your registration, the team will review it and send you a confirmation email once your property listing has been set up. They may require further verification from you during the review process. You’ll then be able to access the extranet, to adjust any other details of your listing.

Once confirms registration is completed and ready to go live, enable connectivity provided via extranet, proceed to complete channel mapping, and start managing Expedia via Su channel manager.

For more information partner help article on setting up channel manager

Credentials property ID is required for mapping via Su channel manager.

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